Posting Policies
The following activities are prohibited from MetroActive:
- Posting an item for sale that is illegal to own, buy or sell in your area of residence.
- Posting an item for sale that is in the prohibited items and services list posted on our Terms of Use page .
- Posting duplicate ads in multiple categories.
- Posting ads using multiple different email addresses.
- Posting an ad that serves no other purpose other than to send traffic to a web site.
- Posting an ad containing a list of keywords not directly related to the item being sold.
- Posting an ad in languages other than English and French.
- Posting an ad that contains adult, mature or erotic content. Personals are not allowed.
- Posting an ad that defames anyone or contains “hate speech”.
- Posting opinions, notices, and discussion topics which should instead be posted on social media sites.
- Posting an ad in an incorrect or misleading category or with misleading information.
- Posting an ad that violates MetroActive’s Pet Posting Policies found below.
- Posting an ad that violates MetroActive’s Equality in Housing policy.
- Posting as a Private Seller, Owner, or Individual when you are a Business, Dealer or Professional.
Please note:
- Users must be at least 16 years old to post ads on their own. Ads for our younger users must be posted by an adult for security reasons.
- Any ads that do not comply with MetroActive policies may be removed from the site. Additionally, users who violate such policies may be blocked from using MetroActive in the future.
- We may, at any time, remove an ad if we believe it interferes with the well-being of the community or the spirit of MetroActive.
Our general rule is that you may not list, buy or sell items or services that are illegal to own, buy or sell in your province of residence, or that are not bought or sold in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws relating to the item you list, buy or sell.
Pet Posting Policies
The Pets category is to help people find good, safe and caring homes for their pets as well as find accessories and services related to owning pets.
In keeping with the spirit of this category, and in order to protect animal welfare and uphold Canadian laws, please respect the following rules when posting an ad on MetroActive:
- The Animal Pedigree Act makes it a federal offense to sell an animal of a recognized breed as, purebred, registered, or eligible to be registered if it is not.
- The term “purebred” is a confirmation of genetic background and adherence to breed characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of the Act and the by-laws of the authorized breed association. When posting your ad, this means that you can only advertise your animal as purebred if it applies to this definition.
- The term “registered” is confirmation that all the rules of eligibility of the authorized breed association in Canada have been met.
- If an animal of a recognized breed is sold as purebred, registered or eligible to be registered, the seller is obligated to provide a duly transferred certificate of registration to the buyer not later than six months after the sale.
- MetroActive does not permit any type of Breeding service (such as stud services) for any domestic pets.
- MetroActive does not permit ads that indicate signs of or encouraging animal cruelty. We will listen very closely to our community for any reports of suspected cases of illegal practices or animal cruelty. Accounts may be suspended if the complaint is deemed legitimate. Thereafter, if appropriate documentation (e.g., health inspection) is not provided within 3 weeks, MetroActive reserves the right to ban the account.
- Please do not post for sale any animals that are on the endangered species list, Environment Canada CITES website, are wild animals, or animals that are not permitted to be owned or sold in any city in which the ad is being posted or could be considered dangerous to others.
- There are many dogs, that while they are good breeds, can easily fall into the hands of bad owners or breeders. Due to animal welfare concerns, the following dog breeds are not permitted on MetroActive anywhere in Canada: Wolf Hybrid, Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staffy), American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, and any dog that is a mixed-breed of these breeds, and has the characteristics substantially similar to pitbulls.
- MetroActive does not allow any ads that offer shipment of animals. Animals may only be sold locally so that the transactions can occur in person.
- MetroActive does not allow the sale of cats or dogs by Pet Stores. All other animals however are acceptable.
- In the province of New Brunswick, all kennels, shelters and boarding facilities must have a valid Pet Establishment License. The Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) under Regulation 2010-74 defines a kennel as any premises where dogs are bred or boarded for consideration. This includes home based breeding facilities. The Pet Establishment license number as issued by DELG must be included in all MetroActive ads from a breeder, shelter or boarding facility within New Brunswick. For more information about this regulation, please see the NBSPCA page here.