The “Tesla ElongateToken Petition” is a Petition to Tesla to accept the ElongateToken as a payment instrument for all its products, services and merchandise.
To: Tesla Inc., it’s Management and Board of Directors
From: Tesla Shareholder and/or Elongate Token Holders who have signed this petition
On March 25, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted “If there is a scandal about me *please* call it Elongate. Within a couple of days the Elongate token was launched. As of April 21st, there are over 250,000 Token holders and the number is growing quickly and the market cap is growing at a steep incline, making this one of the largest brand loyal consumer groups in the world.

At this rate, our community is growing to become an overwhelming force. With so many consumers attracted to the Tesla-Elon Musk brand and many planning to buy a Tesla with their Elongate Token, it seems logical that it is in Tesla’s best interest to embrace Elongate as a form of payment. As shareholders and token holders, it would ultimately benefit all of us and the Tesla brand in that we would be able to directly exchange our Elongate for a Tesla. The value of Tesla shares would be further leveraged due to the additional sales activity, and of course, it would also further validate Elongate as a payment method.
It makes good business sense for Tesla to recognize the Elongate Token as a payment source for the purchase of Tesla automobiles, as well as other products and merchandise. After all, it was Elon Musk himself that seeded the inspiration for this Token.
To Tesla Inc., its management and Board of Directors, we, shareholders of Tesla and/or holders of Elongate Tokens respectfully request that Tesla accept the Elongate Token as a form of payment for its automobiles, as well as other products and merchandise.
The more signatures and support we have from you, the more influence we’ll have in making this happen. If necessary, and with your support, we’re prepared to take this to the Tesla Annual General Meeting later this year. Hopefully, with your help on social media it may not be necessary.
To support us in our efforts and journey, please share this petition on social media and donate a few Elongate Tokens. Wallet address: 0x93c3fDb62bd45Bb881dc5d7f41927E6f28fa87Db
Thank you for your support!
[emailpetition id=”1″] [signaturelist id=”1″] Total Signatures: [signaturecount id=”1″]
Note: If you provide your email address, you’re giving us permission to contact you in regards to this petition or matters related to elongate, crypto, Tesla and items to be of interest to you, including merchandise. You will have the option to opt-out at any time.
Not associated with Tesla, Elon Musk or the Elongate dev team.
Recent trades, pricing and other information on the $elongatetoken can be found on poocoin.
Detailed information on transactions, holders and other useful stats can be found on BSCSCAN.