Career Links


(including employment agencies, executive search, staffing services, and personnel services)

work with existing employers to help reduce risk of lawsuits by dismissed employees by assisting them in dealing with their transition and finding new employment.

Considering filing a lawsuit for WRONGFUL DISMISSAL against your former employer? – you should consult a lawyer. The Law Society of Upper Canada
has a lawyer referral service at 1-900-565-4577.

EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (EI) provides temporary financial assistance for unemployed Canadians while they look for work or upgrade their skills. You can collect on your insurance policy after only a few months. However, even if you’ve been paying into it for 20 years you still get the same benefits, for the same period of time (more or less) as somone who’s been paying into it for only a year. You have no choice to opt out of paying the premiums. You paid into it over the years, so why not collect on your policy when you need it?

EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS LEGISLATION CANADA. This document sets out the federal, provincial and territorial legislative provisions dealing with the minimum age for employment, hours of work and overtime pay, minimum wages, equal pay, the weekly rest-day, general holidays with pay, annual vacations with pay, parental leave and individual and group terminations of employment. An analytical text provides readers with an overview of the topics. Most of these texts are accompanied by tables and provide specific information concerning the provisions which exist in each Canadian jurisdiction.

THE ONTARIO LABOUR RELATIONS BOARD is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal mandated to mediate and adjudicate a variety of employment and labour relations-related matters under a number of Ontario statutes.

THE EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT, 2000 (ESA) – ONTARIO sets out minimum terms of employment. It sets out rights of employees and requirements that apply to employers for most Ontario workplaces. The ESA applies to most employers and employees in Ontario but it does not apply to all employers and employees. Some employees and their employers are exempt from (that is, not covered by) all, or some parts of the ESA, and some are subject to special rules. This can be confusing, but you can find out if your job is covered and to what extent.

ONTARIO MINISTRY OF LABOUR. Established in 1919 to develop and enforce labour legislation, the Ministry of Labour’s mission is to advance safe, fair and harmonious workplace practices that are essential to the social and economic well-being of the people of Ontario.

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